Artwork I've Created: "The Dope Turtle"
Here's a drawing of what I think is one of the dopest turtles on earth. It's honestly adorable. This drawing was done by me, and is colored pencil, with the exception of the white dots, which are painted.
It'd be very hard to fully describe to you how I created this drawing, but I do have a very detailed pictorial that you can follow along.
I started by sketch the outline of the turtle with a dark blue colored pencil. I used this color to fill in the other darker spots on the turtle. Then I went in with darker colors on the fins, except for black. To make this drawing look more natural, I never used black, I only layered dark colors. After that, I highlighted with oranges and light blues.
Then I started coloring the body of the turtle. I used purple, brown, greens, and blues.
Lastly, I started working on the face. I colored in the eyes and nose first. Then I used pink, blue, and brown to finish the tounge and mouth. For the background, I went over the whole thing with a regular blue, but using different pressure on each part. Then I went over that with the dark blue so started with. Next, I used a light blue to highlight some spots. Finally, I used white paint to create small water-like marks.
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